Callery pear and birds

In the McEwan lab, we are studying Callery pear. This tree was a favorite of home owners and developers for many years, but recently has become a serious problem in natural areas. In fact, Callery pear is now banned in the State of Ohio! You can learn more about Callery pear at this link.

An important way that Callery pear is getting into habitats is through dispersal of the fruits by animals. We hypothesize that birds are a critical aspect of the biology of Callery pear; however, we do not know which birds specifically utilize Callery pear. We want to know more and we need your help.

Calling all birders! We need help from the birding community to understand which birds are eating Callery pear. If you make an observation of Callery pear being eaten by a bird, please upload it into our form (link is below). We will collate all of the information we get and develop a report on which bird species are helping to move this plant into habitats. Also, if you notice any other animal eating the fruits, please upload those images as well! For example, we have found squirrels seem to like the fruits!

If you have any observations of birds, or other wildlife consuming Callery pear, please share them with us at the link below! You will be taken to a google form where you can upload your photo and describe your observation. Happy hunting all!

Click here to Share your Observations

Any questions – please email Dr. McEwan at: